Decentralised > Centralised

Keeping over 62,000 kgs of organic waste out of landfill daily
Cities in India are exploding and so is the waste in them. India’s approach for a long time has been to send waste out of the city because nobody wants waste to be managed in their backyard. We believed that centralised landfills in different corners of a city was the most effective way to clean up cities. Also, technologies that promised mixed waste conversion to energy only cemented this centralised mindset. So our urban planners did not allot land, storage and processing spaces for waste in their vision of the city. The subset of this is that we did not promote "management" at the core, but "mixing" waste.
Mixed waste is poison and impossible to recycle and cities spend a lot of money to collect, haul and dump poison. This myopic strategy is the reason for dirty streets, poisoned land, water and air pollution. This approach is no longer sustainable or financially viable.
Daily Dump in 2006 was clear that decentralised waste management was the only way of the future. Born out of a rigorous understanding of the Indian context, the socio-political-economic factors that create the issue of urban waste, our solutions are designed to solve the problem at its origin – in the hands of the individual or communities generating the waste.