If I change how I buy, consume and throw, will it really make things better?
YES. IT WILL, HERE’S WHY We show you how your ‘small actions’ make a significant difference to the big picture.
Know your power!
Not much for picketing and protesting? Well, you don't have to hold up a sign or march a rally to stand up for what you believe in. Get informed about the products you buy, their ingredients, packaging, embodied energy, environmental and social impact. Consumer choices do influence what companies produce and what retailers sell, so let your voice be heard in every purchase. It's about how you spend your hard earned money!Reach out for:
- local fresh produce
- products with local, organic ingredients
- products with the least amount of harmful packaging
- products without phony advertising.
- brands that encourage you to buy less (whose products last)
Your purchase power can create change!
How to buy differently
click each shelf to know more...
Soapy nuts are the all natural & safe cleaning alternative for your family
SHOP 108 Soapy NutsDaily Dump's steps to clean up India!
When we see that everything is connected, we look for solutions that are holistic, inclusive & sustainable. Keeping in mind the Indian context, the challenges and existing system in place, we think these 7 points should be our national mandate.
1. Mandatory Segregation
Legislate this simple and absolutely necessary step
2. Decentralized waste management
Incentivise this choice for citizens since it saves the city money, energy and time
3. Waste in Urban planning
Appropriate collection models to be applied based on context of each city. Allocating space for transfer points, informal recycling, sanitary incineration, mercury bulb recycling. Facilities to be put in place for informal and formal workers.
4. School Gardens
For educating the next generation on connections - so that they know the value of taking care of resources.
5. Debris Recycling
Space allocated for debris recycling industry, haulage of debris. Penalisation for disposal in water bodies.
6. Incentivise the Resource Recovery Industry
Piggeries, Bio-methanation, Decentralised Composting, Informal and formal recycling industry, Emissions reduction technologies to be incentivised. Legislate EPR. Encourage R&D in basic materials and packaging.
7. Scientific Landfills
Work towards zero landfills, remediate sites that are capped, compensate land providers, reduce sizes of each new site.
May the bag be with you!
How many times do we need to be told this! Put a bag in your bag, put many bags in your car, scooter, cycle. Put a bag in your child’s bag. Put many bags near the door, in your supermarket billing counter store, anywhere, everywhere.
But do not, do not, carry plastic bags. Can’t be that hard.