
Designed India's first home composter.
Designed 3 Different Composter Ranges.
Designed 20 Accessories.
Designed Communication and Training Material.
Our Design intention was to make it easy, aspirational and fun for citizens to engage with the idea of waste! Daily Dump uses Design to enable informed action and participation around resources and waste by creating new products, services, and experiences and communication. We seek to create mindset and behavioural change that is holistic and enduring.
Our product service system is affordable, effective, simple to use and directly reduces the waste at source & reduces waste ending up in landfills. Our customers collectively keep tonnes of waste - both organic and other waste out of landfills. Our communication, products and workshops are all designed to get a simple daily act drive more recycling, help the informal sector, and pollute less - with no cost to the government.
We design to create a large impact through a large number of people doing small individual actions.