Easy Steps to Choose your Home Composter

As we all approach a brand New Year, Daily Dump makes it really easy for you to find a composter that best suits your home.
Why choosing a Home Composter is exciting!
👍🏼It opens up new conversations among family members. 👪
👍🏼It builds awareness about the different kinds of waste generated at home. ♻️
👍🏼It introduces you to a whole new universe out there 🐜 🕷🐛
👍🏼It helps you reconnect with Nature, everyday - right from your home! 🏡
To kickstart this month's #HowIstartedComposting campaign, Divya Sujan - a Composting Champion and conscious parent - shares why and how she started composting at home. What we found most inspiring is how she has chosen to introduce this wonderful process of Nature with her 2 year old toddler! So if you ever needed any convincing that composting at home is absolutely safe and healthy, this is it!
There's nothing about convincing others ,it's just about convincing my inner self... I just put things in action and let others watch! ~ Divya Sujan

6. The interesting part is you don't have to invest on its maintainance. Once u run out of remix powder you can just use pieces of cardboard boxes. Adding more browns is the key
7. I live in an apartment and I dont have space for a garden, so I use the compost in my pots and sometimes give it to a farm nearby (who knows the value of this nutrient dense soil). The ultimate satisfaction is not breaking the natural chain of taking from the soil and giving back to it .
Of course you're passing this legacy to the upcoming generations. Thank you Daily Dump!
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Reach us at hello@dailydump.org or WhatsApp +91 991642661 for any questions on help on composting.